
Creating a mindful and engaged classroom begins with quality professional development. We offer a variety of online and on-site trainings for all staff or small group cohorts.


Support for administrators, teachers, students, and parents

K-12 Teacher Training

During these four sessions, teachers are invited to come together to enjoy practicing mindfulness in community and engaging in learning strategies for use with students. Teachers may join one session or attend all four based on availability and interest. Teachers must sign up and commit to...

Promoting Calm and Focus across the Curriculum

How can I get my students to be kinder to one another? What can I do to help students become more active learners? How do I continue to work in a “caregiving” field without burning out? Mindfulness, the simple art of paying attention in the moment and non- judgmentally, may point to...

These workshops help teachers develop their own and their students' social emotional competencies.

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